So after spending a few days with Liam Randall (@Hectaman) at ShmooCon he has made me catch the Bro bug once again. So one thing I wanted to do is check out performance on a few machines and virtual machines to look at the difference. I also wanted to have an idea as to what it would take to make some production machines, and how I could speed up the process. So attached below are the preliminary steps that will become scripts to get what I want up and running in the least possible time. This will take a Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (Precise Pangolin), install Security Onion, then setup up the machine to run Cuckoo. I also have some scripts and unattended install files so that you can just plug in a cd/iso and it will do the base install of Windows for you Cuckoo VMs all from the cli.
So anyways, here are the commands to do the Security Onion install and setup. Then install VirtualBox and Cuckoo. I will make them as scripts in about a week when some new hardware comes in.